100 Day Challenge Check In

So how is everyone doing with the 100 Day challenge? Have you been able to get in 30 minutes of purposeful movement every day?

I have to admit that the snow has forced me to be very consistent. I really hate the snow (as you already know) but when it comes down like it has been it requires attention. I am thankful for my snow blower but it is still a lot of work.

The challenge has also forced me to think more creatively. I would run everyday if I could. Sometimes though my body has other ideas. I decided when we started the challenge that I had to add purposeful stretching to routine or else I would really start to suffer. I had attended a great yoga class in the beginning but then I went out of town. when I came back I forgot about it until yesterday the instructor for the weight lifting class boldly said, “You are a mess! You have to start yoga!” Then I thought, Oh, yeah! So back to yoga I went this morning. I wish this yoga instructor taught this level of class more often. He is often. His moves are methodical and slow. I take a long time to get into get pose but then he stays there so I always have enough time to really work at that pose.

I know I should continue to look for interesting ways to move. It is a great opportunity to try new things. I must admit that the snow has my creativity a bit buried. Hopefully as spring comes to life (and it will!), I will be able to explore other fun things outside.

Curious…what have you been doing for the challenge?

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